Welcome to the guide on utilizing the MARAFW API using Swagger.io. This article aims to provide you with a quick overview of how to navigate and utilize our API documentation published on Swagger.io.
Accessing the API Documentation:
To access the API documentation for MARAFW, visiting the following link:
Exploring Endpoints:
Upon accessing the Swagger documentation, a list of endpoints categorized by functionality can be found. Each endpoint represents a specific action that can be performed using our API. Click on an endpoint to view detailed information such as the HTTP method, request parameters, and response schema.
API Testing:
SDK packages are available for download to ease the usage of the MARAFW API. For manual API test, use the following command (replace the "IP_ADDRESS" and "COMMAND" placeholders with an actual miner IP address and API command):
echo {"\"command"\":"\"COMMAND"\"} | nc IP_ADDRESS 4028
To experience the firmware that sets Marathon apart, schedule a consultation or live demonstration by contacting firmware@mara.com.
If you encounter compatibility issues, please contact our support team.