MARATools is a batch management tool developed by MARA to allow users to easily manage their fleet of machines, whether it is installing MARAFW, upgrading and configuring MARAFW machines or performing an uninstall.
MARATools offers multiple features, such as:
- Scan and display miners information, definable by IP ranges or lists of IP addresses
- Monitor and sort miners by various fields, like hash rate, firmware version, pool and others
- Perform installation, upgrade or uninstallation of MARAFW on selected machines, in batch
- Configure pool, performance and cooling settings
- Reboot miners and export scan results
Although MARATools focuses on managing miners running MARAFW, it can also perform basic actions on miners running stock firmware as well, such as reboot, change pool settings and monitor.
* Change of power modes is not supported on non-MARAFW miners.
Download MARATools and Firmware Package
The latest version of MARATools and MARATools Firmware Package can be found here.
MARATools Firmware Package contains all the necessary images for install, upgrade and also revert to stock firmware.
Defining IP ranges and addresses
Change the existing IP range by double-clicking on it or add/remove your own IP ranges, by clicking on the PLUS/MINUS icons, displayed in the top left corner. It is also possible to import a list of IP addresses from a text file, by clicking on the IMPORT button.
You can define multiple IP ranges or groups of IP addresses but work only on a selected few, by un/checking the checkboxes left to the defined IP ranges/groups.
The screenshot bellow shows an IP range, which is currently un-selected and a group of IP addresses imported from a text file called "ip-groups-1.txt", which is selected.
Scanning and Monitoring
To scan the defined IP range(s) or group(s) of IP addresses, click on the SCAN button. Scan progress is shown on the screen and a message is given about the results.
To monitor the found miners, click on the MONITOR button after the scan finishes. It is possible to interrupt the scanning process and display only the already found miners.
As shown on the screenshot above, the miner's information is progressively shown as the data is being received from the miners.
Selection and Sorting
To select all miners, press CTRL-A.
To select only a few miners, hold down the left mouse button and drag across the desired miners.
Currently it is not possible to un-select specific miners. This feature is being worked on. To easily select only miners that you want to target, sort the list first by clicking on the column header. Active sorting is shown as a blue arrow.
Miners can be configured in batch by selecting the desired fields, entering new values and clicking on CONFIGURE ALL/SELECTED (X). Non-selected fields are not changed.
The example from the screenshot above would result in:
- Operating Mode changed to Auto
- Mode changed to Percent
- Target changed to -10%
- 0% means that the targeted hash rate is as defined by the manufacturer
- -10% means that the targeted hash rate is 10% lower than the original one
- 10% means that the targeted hash rate is 10% above the original one
- Pool 1 changed to the entered value
- No change of Environment Profile, Pool 2 and Pool 3
More configuration options will come with later releases of MARATools.
Install, Upgrade and Restore Firmware
Installation, upgrade and firmware restoral can be done in just a few steps:
- Select your desired action by clicking on the Choose button
- Choose the firmware ZIP file by clicking on the CHOOSE FIRMWARE
- You can easily download all the necessary files (install, upgrade but also restoration images) from this link.
- MARATools will automatically pick the correct image from the ZIP file for install, upgrade or firmware restoration.
- Current MARATools limitation - MARATools supports only ZIP files, that contain the install, upgrade and/or restoration images, like MARATools Firmware Package. In case you downloaded e.g., a single install image, compress the image into a ZIP file. This limitation is going to be addressed in the following MARATools releases.
- Perform the selected action by clicking on the FIRMWARE UPDATE
Reboot and Export
To reboot miners, click on either REBOOT ALL or REBOOT SELECTED.
To export the currently displayed data in a CSV format, click on the EXPORT button and select the destination.
The Settings section offers several options to customize the use of MARATools:
- Scan Timeout - defines time in seconds after which the connection to unresponsive miner is dropped
- Number of Threads (scan) - defines the number of IP addresses to scan at the same time
- Number of Threads (upgrade) - defines the number of miners to upgrade at the same time
- Monitor interval - defines the refresh interval for the Monitor function
- Firmware Upgrade Timeout - defines time in seconds after which the connection to unresponsive miner is dropped when upgrading
- Log File Name - defines the name of the log file that MARATools automatically creates
- Highlight Temperatures Above/Bellow - if enabled, miners which cross the defined temperatures are highlighted
- Save Log - if checked, MARATools will automatically saves the actions performed to a log file defined above
- Miner Login - used to define custom miner username and/or password